I learnt about how to write an information report using the hamburger plan. I chose to study lady bugs as part of our WIT about invertebrates and learnt heaps of interesting facts. See if you can learn something new and enjoy reading my report.
Ohhh...what's that beautiful creature?
Did you know that there are 5000 different species of ladybugs in the world? But the ladybugs that we commonly have in New Zealand are the Coccinellidae septempunctata (Seven-Pot Ladybird).
Ladybugs love to go in gardens on top of the soil or even on a plant. Their other habitat is on a field on the soft grass and in forests. They sit on a wet leaf for their own health to keep themselves moist. They also like going into the Frankley School bush. In the winter, ladybugs hibernate under leaves and in logs. Ladybugs like to live on leaves that are close to aphids, which are part of the diet.
Ladybugs have a diet of aphids, mites, whiteflies, little insects like ants, jumping spiders, and soft body insects. Female ladybugs eat 75 aphids a day..e Ladybugs have a diet mostly of aphids, which are Even larvae ladybugs eat aphids.
Ladybugs play dead when trying to avoid danger so they don’t die. Predators such as assassin bugs, stink bugs, spiders and toads may commonly kill ladybugs. Ladybugs’ colours can warn you if ladybugs are in danger.

Did you know between spring and summer a single female ladybug may produce up to 1,000 eggs? Also when a ladybug flies, its’ wings beat 85 times every second. Those are some pretty amazing statistics!
Written by Aimee Neilson