Wednesday, 23 August 2017

aimee Zalia dialogue

  1. 1.
  2. take part in a conversation or discussion to resolve a problem.
  3. "he stated that he wasn't going to dialogue with the guerrillas"

“Are you okay?” Asked the pineapple

Pineapple.jpg (1200×900)Chinchilla
“Why do you say that?” Answered the Chinchilla

Pineapple shouted, “Because you just drank my friend!!!”

“Oh I promise it was a mistake” “SORRY.” Begged the Chinchilla

“Well come on then we need to get him to a hospital or something.” Panicked Pineapple
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“OK fine let’s go.” Mumbled Chinchilla

Soon after Pineapples friend had gotten surgery and all sowed up he…


Monday, 14 August 2017

Limericks Poem

There once was a beautiful girl 
Who had a kangaroo named Pearl 
She put her in a car 
And then drove really far 
Until they fell into a swirl.
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Tuesday, 8 August 2017

My Holiday in Vanuatu

My writing goal is to spell the essential words correctly in my writing.

I went to Vanuatu we stayed at Iririki island with Mum,Bill, Connor, Corbin, Ben, Lucas, Nana, Poppa and leons. we kayaked around iririki island. Me and Bill went snorkeling 15 feet deep we also took some bread and feed all the fish we saw nemo and dory it was so fun. For dinner the first night we all went to a restaurant on the main island port vela. Me Mum,Bill, Connor, Corbin and Ben went ziplining through the jungle while nana,poppa and lucas were at the main island. We went over same water and we all got a shirt. I also went swimming under a ginormous stunning water full i jumped off of a platform. Me,mum,Bill,Ben Connor and Corbin went snorkeling at hideaway island there was an under water post office so we sent a card home the card arrived on friday the 27 of July. We also visited a school and gave them some colored paper and colored pencils they sang a song it was great. In that same day we also went to eton beach Bill went snorkeling while we found shells and hermit crabs then we all went to blue lagoon there was a rope that you swig off of and into the clear water I went so high it was fabulous. I went to the markets and got my hair braided I got a shirt with a turtle on it the turtle was paid I also got a bracelet it's a chain with rainbow string threaded through it. I went to a turtle exhibit with 8 months old toddlers and 60 year old turtles.

8 months old turtles

snorkel cove 

me holding a lizard

irirki island

turtles that are 8 months old

turtles 60 year olds

coconut crab

cascading water fall



Wednesday, 2 August 2017

what we are up to in our wit

We are up to planning our resource for our wit.our wit is to create a child- friendly resource to give to a class in Frankley school about invertebretes (bugs & insects) in the Frankley Bush.
From Zalia Aimee & Ashley

We would like to come down to your classroom if it is okay and observe and conference with a couple of your kids about questions that link to our Invertebrates in the Frankley School bush WIT.  

Example of our questions: Do you like reading on a computer or off of a book? Why?  Do you like making stuff out of materials or just doing it straight on a computer? and  Why? Do you like writing or typing?  What kind of books can you read?  Could you please read us one of your stories from your book box?

Anyway could you please let us know what time would be suitable to come down and do all of this stuff

Thanks Ashley Aimee Zalia-------------------------------------------------------------You would be most welcome to come to Rooms 3&4 tomorrow before morning tea or alternatively after lunch.