Wednesday 8 November 2017

Persuasive Writing

Is Milk Healthy For You Or Not?2L-TRIM-600px.png

In my opinion Milk is healthy, Kids can be drinking milk every day trim milk is the milk that I’m writing about it has the green lid.

By my calculation milk is healthy because the sugars are 4.9g, the fat is 0.4g and the sodium is 35mg.  The World Health Organisation sets this as a healthy food product as the numbers are under 10g per 100g for fat and sugar and under 400mg per 100mg for sodium.  Milk clearly ticks all the boxes.

From the label of the milk bottle the company does not lie about this product being healthy and it is good for our bones, teeth and our health development.

Our milk on the food pyramid comes on the dairy column (protein), which we have to have some each day.  milk is also from cows so it has been produced from a factory.

I therefore believe that milk is very healthy for kids to drink.


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